El equipo de E. Vila projects EVP BUE 150VT se diseñó en el mes de marzo 2020 al principio de la pandemia del coronavirus especialmente para los centros dentales y para la protección de los dentistas, ya que para E. Vila Projects era una de sus mayores preocupaciones la protección de los sanitarios.
En E. Vila Projects estamos orgullosos que en el mes de Mayo la Revista Dental Tribune recomiende la Torre Ultravioleta como nuestro equipo EVP BUE 150VT para la lucha contra el coronavirus y otros agentes como bacterias y virus.
Entre otras ventajas se le atribuye:
Gran poder germicida
Rápida desinfección
Equipo móvil
No deja residuos
Fácil de poner en un rincón hasta su próximo uso
Multidisciplinar, se puede usar en toda la clínica, recepción, boxes , etc
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How to use Ultraviolet light (UVC) to fight COVID-19 effectively in dental clinics
, Dental Tribune South Asia
May 12, 2020
Dentistry, labelled as the highest-risk profession in COVID-19 times because of the aerosol spread in the clinic, has forced dental professionals to look for tools that guarantee total elimination of the virus risk. Among the various technologies being considered, ultraviolet light (UV-C) disinfection has gained favour due to its efficacy against a broad range of microbial and viral agents found in a variety of environments.
An emergent pneumonia outbreak originated in Wuhan city, China in late December 2019. Researchers quickly isolated a new virus and sequenced its genome (29,903 nucleotides). The infectious agent of this viral pneumonia happening in Wuhan was finally identified as a novel coronavirus (2019-nCOV), the seventh member of the family of coronaviruses that infect humans. On 11th February 2020, WHO named the novel viral pneumonia as “Corona Virus Disease (COVID19)”, while the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) suggested this novel coronavirus name as “SARS-CoV-2” due to the phylogenetic and taxonomic analysis of this novel coronavirus.
This initiated the pandemic story and now we all are facing challenges of COVID-19 cross-infection our practices. COVID-19 is a disease that is highly infectious and spreads rapidly in the community.
Transmission routes of SARS CoV-2 in clinics and hospital environments:
Since SARS CoV-2 can be passed directly from person to person by respiratory droplets, evidence suggested that it is transmitted through contact and fomites. In addition, the asymptomatic incubation period for individuals infected with SARS CoV-2 has been reported to be ~1–14 days. To et al. reported that live viruses were present in the saliva of infected individuals by viral culture method.
Droplet and aerosol transmission of SARS CoV-2 are the most important concerns in dental clinics and hospitals because it is hard to avoid the generation of large amounts of aerosol and droplet mixed with patient’s saliva and even blood during dental practice. In addition to the infected patient’s cough and breathing, dental devices such as high-speed dental handpiece use high-speed air to drive the turbine to rotate at high speed and work with running water. When dental devices work in the patient’s oral cavity, a large amount of aerosol and droplets mixed with the patient’s saliva or even blood will be generated. Particles of droplets and aerosols are small enough to stay airborne for an extended period before they settle on environmental surfaces or enter the respiratory tract. Thus, the SARS CoV-2 has the potential to spread through droplets and aerosols from infected individuals in dental clinics and hospitals.
Contaminated surfaces spread Human coronaviruses such as SARS-CoV, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), or endemic human coronaviruses (HCoV) can persist on surfaces like metal, glass, or plastic for up to a couple of days. Therefore, contaminated surfaces that are frequently contacted in healthcare settings are a potential source of coronavirus transmission. Dental practices derived droplets and aerosols from infected patients, which likely contaminate the whole surface in dental offices. In addition, it was shown at room temperature that HCoV remains infectious from 2 hours up to 9 days and persists better at 50% compared with 30% relative humidity. Thus, keeping a clean and dry environment in the dental office would help decrease the persistence of 2019- nCoV.
How do we disinfect our clinics and hospitals?
Highly infectious microbial and viral diseases are a major challenge to global health, and, as such, are also a significant risk to global financial stability and security. While vaccines play a key role in preventing viral epidemics and pandemics, once an outbreak has occurred, the implementation of disinfection measures to limit spread becomes paramount.
To disinfect the dental operatories before and after the patients, many protocols have been discussed including –
– -Disinfectant defogging of 30-45 min or
-Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) , room size and UV light position in the room
Among these different types, UV-C disinfection of environments. has gained favour due to its efficacy against a broad range of microbial and viral agents in a variety
What is ultraviolet light?
Ultraviolet (UV) is that part of electromagnetic light bounded by the lower wavelength extreme of the visible spectrum and the X-ray radiation band. The spectral range of UV light is, by definition between 100 and 400 nm (1 nm=10-9m) and is invisible to human eyes.
Using the CIE classification the UV spectrum is subdivided into three bands:
- UVA (long-wave) from 315 to 400 nm
- UVB (medium-wave) from 280 to 315 nm
- UVC (short-wave) from 100 to 280 nm
UVC is totally absorbed by atmospheric ozone, has minimal penetration to the surface of the Earth and thus has little effect on human health. 90% or more of UVB is absorbed by atmospheric ozone, while UVA passes through the atmosphere with little change. Thus, the solar ultraviolet radiation of importance to human health consists of UVA and UVB. However, UVC can be created artificially by various means.
A strong germicidal effect is provided by the Light in the short-wave UVC band. In addition erythema and conjunctivitis can also be caused by this form of Light. Because of this, when germicidal UV-Light lamps are used, it is important to design systems to exclude UVC leakage and so avoid these effects.
Self-evidently, people should avoid exposure to UVC. Fortunately, this is relatively simple, because it is absorbed by most products, and even standard flat glass absorbs all UVC.
Again fortuitously, UVC is mostly absorbed by dead skin, so erythema can be limited.
How does UVC destroy germs?
The high energy from short wavelength UVC light is absorbed in the cellular RNA and DNA, damaging nucleic acids and preventing microorganisms from infecting and reproducing.
UVC is strongly absorbed by RNA and DNA bases leading to molecular structural damage via a photodimerization process. This results in virus inactivation, such that they are no longer able to replicate.
Table: Summary of UV light studies on Coronaviruses
Microbe | D90 dose (exposure) required | Source |
Coronavirus | 7 J/m2 | Walker 2007 |
Berne virus (Coronaviridae) | 7 J/m2 | Weiss 1986 |
Murine Coronavirus (MHV) | 15 J/m2 | Hirano 1978 |
Canine Coronavirus (CCV) | 29 J/m2 | Saknimit 1988 |
Murine Coronavirus (MHV) | 29 J/m2 | Saknimit 1988 |
SARS Coronavirus CoV-P9 | 40 J/m2 | Duan 2003 |
Murine Coronavirus (MHV) | 103 J/m2 | Liu 2003 |
SARS Coronavirus (Hanoi) | 134 J/m2 | Kariwa 2004 |
SARS Coronavirus (Urbani) | 241 J/m2 | Darnell 2004 |
Average | 67 J/m2 |
The table above summarises the results of studies that have been performed on Coronaviruses under ultraviolet light exposure, with the specific species indicated in each case. The D90 value indicates the ultraviolet dose for 90% inactivation.
Even if you consider air resistance, tube curvature energy loss, tube temperature and other factors are taken into consideration, it is wise to double irradiation time to 136 seconds i.e. close to 2.5 minutes should be good enough to eradicate most of SARS CoV-2. I am talking about only SARS CoV-2 here. Many other organisms may need a higher dose of UVC radiation, which is not a topic of discussion in this article.
UVC Tower
-Quick 2-3 min powerful UV disinfection
-Movable trolley. So reaches to all corners of the clinic. Only one machine for all operatories, reception, lobby, consultation room, pantry etc!
– No residue, no mess. Easy to stack it in a corner
-Variable Timer for various needs
-Buzzer signal at the end of the session
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